Architecture of a new global identity - Liberty of worldview
Cognitive Human Rights
Liberty of worldview
Liberty of conscience
Liberty of conscience is a system-forming law in the system of human rights, the fundamental inalienable right of everyone to satisfy a worldview need, giving meaning to existence on the basis of a free worldview choice, as well as lawful behavior based on the choice mentioned without restriction or loss of other civil rights and freedoms
Right to be human
The implementation of this right allows you to discover for exceptional human abilities:

1. Self-awareness;
2. Freedom;
3. Identity.

The consolidation of this right is a recognition of the diversity of forms of thought and respect for a person regardless of differences*
* with the lawful behavior of the individual

The worldview neutrality of states and other subjects law is...
world community unification factor
Overcoming ethno-confessional
The fundamental element in overcoming ethno-confessional and worldview conflicts in the world;
Liberty of conscience
A guarantee of the formation of a new global identity (through the realization of the right to liberty of conscience)
Tolerance 4.0
The formation of a new global culture of mutual respect (tolerance 4.0)
Overcoming global problems
The architecture of building a worldview and cooperation aimed at overcoming global problems and achieving sustainable development
The key to harmony and cooperation
The principle of respect for the diversity of the world
Freedom of worldview choice and worldview neutrality of the state - the necessary conditions for the realization of human rights in the global multiconfessional and multinational world
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