1. We, the representatives of the human race, of each of the nations, gathered in an online and offline meeting, at the dawn of the third decade of the millennium, to reaffirm and guarantee the realization of human rights, affirming the inviolable role and importance of every person entering the era of digital globalization and the Fourth Industrial revolution (digitalization and a new leap in technological progress).
2. Reaffirming the meaning and strength of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of December 16, 1966, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 16, 1966 and other fundamental documents, collectively, we create and approve the Declaration of Global Digital Human Rights, putting it at the head of the course for the digital and global transformation of our reality for sustainable planetary development.
3. Taking into account the development of technologies and the latest context of digital globalization (globalization 4.0) - Big Data, Artificial intelligence and Deep learning, Neural network technologies, Internet of things, Technologies for principles of a distributed ledger (Blockchain), Additive Manufacturing, Augmented and Additive Reality, Quantum Computing, Cloud Computing, Modern Bioengineering Technologies (Biotech) and others technologies - we affirm a new principle and a new measure of human freedom, called global digital human rights.
4. Considering that the recognition of the dignity, equal and inalienable digital rights inherent in all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and universal peace; and
5. Considering that disregard and contempt for human rights has led to barbaric acts that outrage the conscience of humankind, and that the creation of a new digital world, in which people will have freedom of speech and belief and will be free from fear and needs, is hailed as a high aspiration of people; and
6. Considering that it is essential that human rights are protected by the rule of law and expressed in digital algorithms in order to ensure that individuals are not forced to resort to rebellion against tyranny and oppression as a last resort; and
7. Considering that the peoples of the United Nations have reaffirmed in the Charter their faith in basic digital human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equality of men and women, and the equality of all races, and have decided to promote social technological progress and better living conditions in a greater freedom; and
8. Considering that Member States have pledged to promote, in cooperation and digital collaboration with the United Nations, the universal respect for and observance and realization of global digital human rights and fundamental freedoms; and
9. Considering that a general understanding of the nature of these global digital rights and freedoms is essential to the full fulfillment of this obligation,
10. Taking into account the revolutionary nature and global nature of the upcoming changes, including the fusion and interpenetration of biological, physical and digital reality, we take responsibility for managing this process
Making it the main challenge for today's society to ensure that digital globalization becomes a positive factor for all peoples of the world. This is due to the fact that, although digital globalization offers vast opportunities, its benefits are now very unevenly used, its costs are also unevenly distributed, and there is still no single course for its further human-centered development. We recognize that developing countries and countries with economies in transition face particular challenges in responding to this fundamental challenge. This is why digital globalization can only be fully equitable and sustainable through comprehensive and persistent efforts to shape a common future based on our common belonging to the human race in all its diversity.
With this Declaration, we unite the efforts of humankind to create the principles of digital transformation for inclusion in policies and regulatory instruments at the global level of each person and the priority of his development that would: a) contribute to the full realization of our rights and freedoms in the digital age and the ability to actively influence the world; b) meet the needs of a digital society and build a secure global world order in the interests of sustainable development; c) contribute to the construction of an inclusive digital economy and society; d) contribute to the strengthening of human and institutional capacity; e) contribute to building confidence, security and stability in the digital space and global digital cooperation. And prioritizing the further creation of the Convention on Global Digital Human Rights and the constant renewal of the principles of human rights in the context of future digital technological revolutions and global progress of the human race on planet Earth and with the prospect of going beyond it.
The General Assembly,
proclaims this Declaration of Global Digital Human Rights as an imperative that all states, nations and all people must strive for, through the promotion of science, education, enlightenment at the international levels and levels of jurisdiction of the UN member states.
Part I. General provisions.
Article 1.
All people are born free and equal in dignity and global digital rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and must act towards each other in a spirit of brotherhood, both online and offline, and developing, creating, implementing and applying technologies and the fruits of scientific and technological progress.
Global digital human rights are opportunities for the preservation and development of a person, belonging to everyone from the moment of birth, enshrined in international law and domestic legislation, the implementation of which should lead to the use of social benefits through the use of new technologies.
No technological development can infringe on human rights and human dignity.
Article 2.
Everyone has the right to equal participation in the digital environment.
Everyone should have all digital rights and all freedoms proclaimed in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as in relation to race, color, sex, language, religion, worldview, political or other opinion, national or social origin., property, estate or other status.
In addition, no distinction should be made on the basis of the political, legal or international status of the country or territory to which an individual belongs, regardless of whether that territory is independent, under trusteeship, non-self-governing or otherwise limited in its sovereignty.
Article 3.
1. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and personal security, regardless of the level of technological progress achieved in his state.
2. No one should use technology for the development, production, stockpiling and use of all types of weapons, including biological weapons, chemical weapons, autonomous combat systems and any other weapon intended for the conduct of military operations.
3. Everyone has the right to be free from digital total control (mass surveillance, interception and other measures) by the state, other structures and individuals. This includes the right of everyone to have access to information on relevant regulations, law enforcement, administrative and other activities.
Article 4.
Everyone has the right to enjoy personal, social, economic, political and cultural rights based on new technologies and without barriers built on the basis of new technologies by individuals, companies and states.
Human rights that have been recognized and enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 10, 1948, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of December 16, 1966, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of December 16, 1966 and other fundamental documents must find a guarantee of implementation within the framework of the use of new technologies.
Article 5.
1. Every person, wherever he is, has the right to access the global Internet. At the same time, states must ensure continuity, affordability and effective connection speed.
2. A person must be guaranteed net neutrality without discrimination. Individuals are free and have the right to free, uncensored internet.
Article 6.
Everyone has the right to access digital technologies (technologies and related equipment). At the same time, states must ensure the affordability of technologies.
Article 7.
Everyone has the right to access digital identity tools and digital asset storage.
Article 8.
Everyone has the right to access reliable information and at the same time he should not be negatively influenced by the digital environment.
Article 9.
Every person, wherever he is, has the right to the recognition of his digital legal personality.
Article 10.
All people are equal before the law and have the right, without distinction, to the equal protection of the law. All individuals have the right to equal protection against any kind of discrimination that violates this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Article 11.
1. Everyone has the right to effective restoration of violated global digital rights by competent international and domestic courts.
2. Respect for global digital human rights should be monitored by independent institutions of civil society.
Part II. Inviolability of a person and his data.
Article 12.
1. Everyone has the opportunity to exercise the right to privacy and personal data protection. When collecting, using, transferring and other operations with data, one needs:
a) the certainty and specificity of the purpose of the data operation;
b) destruction of data after carrying out an operation with them;
c) transparent and accountable data control mechanisms;
d) the possibility of data accessibility to a person;
e) the right to know if the user's data has been compromised.
2. Everyone has the right to live in his home freely and without supervision and to take appropriate measures to protect his data and information.
Article 13.
1. Everyone has the right to be forgotten about personal data, including genetic, biometric and medical data.
2. The human right to erasure, rectification, objection and access to personal data, as well as the right to be informed, must be guaranteed.
Article 14.
Everyone has the right to privacy and protection of genetic data.
Article 15.
Everyone has the right to biometric data protection.
Article 16.
Everyone has a right to health data protection.
Article 17.
The integrity and confidentiality of information systems and associated digital infrastructure must be ensured and protected by appropriate regulatory, technical and organizational measures.
Part III. Equal access to benefits.
Article 18.
1. Everyone has the right to free and equal access to communication and information, technology without discrimination and humiliation of any other fundamental rights.
2. The provision of access must be comprehensive and adequate.
3. Everyone has the right to non-personalized use of digital offers.
Article 19.
1. Everyone has the right to receive basic social services and to exercise the opportunities necessary to maintain his dignity and for the free development of his personality in a digital environment and based on technology (and products of technological progress).
2. Everyone has the right to a high standard of living based on new technologies, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and necessary social services, which are necessary to maintain the health and well-being of himself and his family, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, illness, disability, widowhood, old age or other case of loss of livelihood due to circumstances beyond his control.
3. Children, adolescents, disadvantaged and vulnerable people deserve special attention to the realization of their global digital rights. Their participation in the digital world must be encouraged, and access to essential goods and services must be guaranteed.
Article 20.
1. Everyone has guarantees of realization of the right to work in a digital environment. It is not technology that replaces people, but technology that contributes to better jobs in terms of safety, value and human development.
2. Everyone has the right to effective employment protection and the right to freedom of association must be guaranteed.
Article 21.
1. Everyone has the right to continuous and digital access to global education and cultural values, regardless of place on the planet.
2. Digital education should be free at least in terms of acquiring basic knowledge for development and active participation in the life of the global community.
3. Education should serve the full development of the human personality and to increase respect for digital human rights and fundamental freedoms. Education should be integrated with science and comply with global processes.
Article 22.
Everyone has the right to equal access to medicine based on new technologies. States must ensure affordability of high-tech medicine.
Article 23.
1. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including the right to a reasonable limitation of working hours and paid periodic vacation, including the need to create restrictions when using new technologies to overcome clip thinking (digital capacity).
Article 24
1. Everyone has the right to participate in scientific and cultural life and enjoy the fruits of scientific and technological progress.
2. Everyone has the right to the protection of intellectual and material interests in the digital sphere in accordance with modern global processes in science, education, art and economy.
Article 25.
1. Everyone must be guaranteed pluralism and diversity in the digital world.
2. Digital interoperability and openness for human rights must be promoted.
Part IV. Artificial intelligence, quantum supremacy, distributed ledger technologies and other capabilities based on new technologies.
Article 26.
1. Each person has the priority of conservation and
development in the context of the creation, use, implementation and development of artificial intelligence (AI).
2. Artificial Intelligence should contribute to the
realization of our capabilities, and not promote discrimination and violation
of rights.
3. It is necessary to teach AI to recognize and
implement human rights from the perspective of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the Covenants on Human Rights (1966) and other fundamental acts.
4. For the realization of human rights, partial
openness and full transparency of the source code of artificial intelligence
(AI) is necessary to improve its safety, controllability of the creation
processes and conscious, controlled tasks facing AI.
Article 27.
1. Requirements for human rights can only be
formulated by people. Decisions about life and death, personal integrity and
imprisonment of a person can only be made by people.
2. Every person in respect of whom a robotic decision
has been made affecting the exercise of his rights has the opportunity
for his case to be considered by a person.
3. Responsibility for automated solutions lies with an
individual, legal entity, state, international organization and / or other
subject of international law.
4. The use of artificial intelligence and robotics
should be shaped from the perspective of global digital human rights.
Article 28.
1. Everyone has the right to own digital property
alone or in association with others.
2. No one should be deprived, arbitrarily or without a
court decision, of their digital property.
Article 29.
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of ideological
choice. No one should be subjected to manipulation, control and limitation of one’s worldview using digital technologies (artificial intelligence,
biotechnology, neurotechnology, and others).
2. The right to participate in public elections and
referendums must be protected from the influence of digital and other media.
Article 30.
1. Everyone has the right to global digital
2. No one can be arbitrarily deprived of their digital
citizenship or the right to change their digital citizenship.
Article 31.
Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly
in a digital environment and based on new technologies.
Article 32.
1. Everyone has the right to take part in the
management of social processes at the global, regional and national levels
directly through digital technologies or through freely elected representatives.
2. The will of the peoples should be the real basis of
the power of governments, this should be facilitated by scientific and
technological progress. The will of the people must be expressed through
transparent decentralized systems, including distributed ledger technology
(blockchain) and future quantum encryption-based decentralized ledger
technologies, which will promote transparency, accountability, integrity in the electoral process and full realisation of the rights of everyone. Digital
technologies are intended to strengthen the criteria for periodicity and
non-falsification of elections by ensuring universal and equal suffrage through secret ballot or through other equivalent forms that ensure freedom of voting based on digital transactions.
Article 33.
1. Everyone has the right to control systems of managing public processes at the global, regional, national and municipal levels through digital technological platforms in order to prevent the usurpation of power, abuse of the authority to allocate resources without taking into account the rights of each person.
2. Everyone has the right to access information held
by government authorities, in particular, the principle of transparency and
accountability also applies to private parties performing public tasks.
3. Those who provide digital control of management
structures and the protection of global digital human rights must be protected by an appropriate legal status.
Article 34.
Everyone has the right to a just global social
order, both online (digital) and offline, in which the digital rights and
freedoms set out in this Declaration can be fully realized through digital
technology and without barriers created by introduction of new technologies.
Article 35.
1. Each person has responsibilities to the global
digital society, in which the free and full development of his personality is
possible. The imposition of responsibilities on a person is only allowed if
they serve to more effectively exercise the digital rights of all people
through the conscious use of digital technologies and products.
2. In the exercise of their global digital rights, each person should be subject only to such restrictions as are established by law solely for the purpose of ensuring due recognition and implementation of the rights and freedoms of others.
3. The exercise of global digital rights must in no
way be contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Article 36.
1. Realization of global digital human rights requires
continuous action from international organizations, states, technology
creators, industries and research and educational organizations.
2. Humanity should not allow the state of the digital
divide, while taking into account the interests of present and future
generations. For this, it is necessary to strengthen international cooperation
in order to provide all states and other subjects of international law with the
opportunity to ensure the creation, dissemination, preservation and
implementation of global digital human rights.
Article 37.
Member States are encouraged to designate several
institutions and committees that will be responsible for coordination and
implementation of global digital human rights, as well as preparing an
appropriate regulatory, technological and human resource base. When defining objectives and responsibilities, it is necessary to build on the provisions of this Declaration and create more equitable, sustainable, inclusive, open and people-centered systems.
Measures should be taken to:
a) Encourage software and hardware developers,
creators, technology developers, manufacturers and distributors of digital
technologies, as well as other partners, to contribute to the realization of
global digital human rights;
b) expand training and research, facilitate the
exchange of experience and knowledge between stakeholders and professional institutions on the implementation of global digital human rights;
c) Encourage universities and other research
institutions, both public and private, to ensure global digital human rights
arising from scientific research.
Article 38.
1. We accept responsibility for further updating and
progressive development of international human rights law and recognize
digitalization that does not take humans into account as a crime against humanity.
2. Being at the peak of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution, humanity must now look to the future, taking into account the
prospects for achieving quantum supremacy, and taking responsibility for the further progressive development of global digital human rights and future global quantum human rights.
3. We put our priority on the further formation of the
global digital regulatory and management system, as a set of principles and
norms expressed in the form of code, machine programs and mathematical solutions, in particular the rules imposed on cryptography in order to protect human rights and the transition to sustainable development of human civilization .
Article 39.
Nothing in this Declaration can be interpreted as
granting to any state, group of persons or individuals the right to engage in
any activity or take actions aimed at the destruction of global digital human
rights set forth in this Declaration and other fundamental human rights